
The American Legion Department of South Carolina


H.W. Dare Maness High School Oratorical Program

The American Legion Department of South Carolina
H. W. Dare Maness
High School Oratorical Scholarship Program -"A Constitutional Speech Contest"

The purpose of The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program "A Constitutional Speech Contest" is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States on the part of high school students. Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership skills, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights, and privileges of American citizenship.  All Department & Quadrant Scholarships must be used within five years from graduation from high school.

1st Place Award - $1000.00 1st Place Award - $2500.00
2nd Place Award - $500.00 2nd Place Award - $1500.00
  3rd  Place Award - $750.00
  4th Place Award - $750.00

NATIONALSCHOLARSHIPS:  The winner at the Department/state) level who is certified into and participates in the first round of the national contest will receive a $2,000.00 National scholarship.

Each first round winner who advances to and participates in the second round, but does not advance to the final round, will receive an additional $2,000.00 scholarship to pursue education at any college or university in the United States.

National scholarship awards are presented to the three finalists in the final round of the national contest as follows:               

1st place - $25,000.00

2nd place - $22,500.00

3rd place - $20,000.00

A contestant must give both their prepared oration and the assigned topic discourse in order to receive the scholarship.                               

2024-2025 Oratorical Contest Rules                                                  

Tabulator Instructions
Chairman's Guide Timekeepers Instructions
  Timekeepers Card
2025 Certification Form Ushers Instructions
Judges Prepared Oration scratch tallysheet Judges Instructions
Judges Scorecard Escort Instructions
Judges assigned topic scratch tallysheet Quadrant Map
Tabulator form/card Contest Flyer

All questions regarding the 2024/2025 contest should be directed to:

Chairman -Robert Scherer - 828-292-6031-rdscherer@ymail.com

Michael D. Strauss, Department Adjutant - 803-612-1171 x 30 or dept.adjutant@southcarolinalegion.org

All 2025 Contests for the "Quadrants"will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ locations listed below, for further information on each contest, please see the contact person and number for each contest:

Quadrant One Location

10:00 am at Chesnee High School Auditorum, 795 S. Alabama Hwy, Chesnee, SC  29323

Jim Rabon, Department 1st Commander, skipper3701@gmail.com

Quadrant Two Location 

10:00 am hosted by Greenwood Post 20, at the Greenwood County Veterans Center 106 Main St, N. Greenwood, SC  

Jack Lonergan, Department 2nd Vice Commander, jelong2000@yahoo.com

Quadrant Three Location 

10:00am, Sumter Post 15, 34 S. Artillery Drive, Sumter, SC 29150

James "Russ" Cantrell Department Third Vice Commander cantrell092655@gmail.com

Quadrant Four Location  


The 2025 Department Contest will be held on February 22, 2025  @ 10:00 am

St. Pauls Lutheran Church

1715 Bull St

Columbia, SC  29201