Link to South Carolina Baseball detailed information |
National American Legion BB Page |
Current South Carolina Jr & Sr BB Team Contacts |
Current BB Team Schedules |
Form to Start New Team |
National BB Scholarships forms must be postmarked no later than July 15 and can be mailed to:
The American Legion Dept of SC, 103 Legion Plaza Rd, Columbia, SC 29210
Director/Chairman | Legree Owald | 803-240-6047 | legree@oswaldlegal.net |
League 1 | David Savage | 803-295-3798 | Maddux3155@gmail.com |
League 2 | Dane Moseley | 803-707-3435 | danem1956@gmail.com |
League 3 | Bill Brewer | 803-473-2264, 803-460-4747 | billbrewer@ftc-i.net |
League 4 | Jay Wrenn | 803-972-4719 | jwrenn1@sc.rr.com |
League 5 | Buck Schwing | 803-329-5756, 803-367-7758 | buckschwingjr@yahoo.com |
League 6 | Tommy Ford | 864-426-8032, 864-426-4101 | TommyfordP22@yahoo.com |
League 7 | Robert Livingston | 757-403-2829 | edistoisla@hotmail.com |
League 8 | Billy Oswald | 803-796-7629, 803-413-5022 |
billy@oswaldlegal.net |